Friday, 18 February 2011

How to Start Dating After a Divorce

Day after day I hear the reasons why people can't get a date. Some singles have rich imaginations. Here are the latest testimonials that start in this way:

I can't get a date because...
* Nothing works for me.
* I'm bored with life and no one wants to talk to me.

* The only guy I ever loved married someone else.
* I'm 45, never been married and the odds of my finding someone are zero.

* I'm 64 and divorced three times. Who would want me?

Whatever reason you have for not dating, know this -- just because you don't know how to get a date doesn't mean that you can't. If you want to date, and if you want to meet someone special, you can learn how to do it! To further prove my point, every one of the above people who said these things eventually learned to date, and three out of five of them have already met someone and fallen in love. The other two will also find their partners if they keep working at it. Would you like to know how they did it? First, they changed their minds and stopped thinking it couldn't be done. Second, they took action.

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If you're divorced and looking for love, Sue James Introductions can help. Email me today:

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