Monday, 7 March 2011

Cosmic Order True Love

Cosmic Ordering has been around for years and some people swear by it. Why not try Cosmic Ordering to help you find your perfect partner...

1. Start out with a notebook or journal. This should be something you use only for your cosmic ordering. Make it special.

2. At the top of the page write what it is you want. For example:
Dear Universe, with divine love and energy my order is, to find true love with someone with similar interests, a soul mate. 

3. In the middle of the page you can put down any thoughts you may have on this.
This could be the idea about what the person looks like, distinctive qualities that you are attracted to, etc. Let your ideas flow here and write whatever comes to mind. It is a bit of creative writing. Don’t edit it; you want to see what you and the Universe together come up with.

Don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense. You want to see what comes out organically you are not thinking here you are creating.

4. At the bottom of the page write, I am open and ready to create my order and thank the Universe for giving you the means and opening the doors that will allow your cosmic order to manifest.

At this point trust in the process. Really give this to the Universe to handle and trust that this or something better is now attracting the necessary vibration that will bring it about.

5. This is a very important part; you do not want to skip this step. Take out your journal and read your order before you start your day. This crucial fifth instruction is essential if you want results. ..

6. Now visualize your order actually happening. Do this on a daily basis. The morning is the best time for this. You haven’t yet started your day and it is much easier to set aside some quite time for the visualization in the morning before you get too busy. Start with at least five minutes then work you way up to twenty.

If your order has been answered the day before, which does happen quite often then write your new order that morning.

The key is to focus on what you want and to concentrate on the positive.Good luck guys.

Love Sue James x

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