Thursday, 31 March 2011

Lost Love in the USA

Here's an interesting article I found on the Fox News network.

A new study out in the Social Psychological and Personality Science says that Americans regret love the most.

Here are the top 10 regrets of Americans:
Romance - The writers wrote that women were higher in this regret because they "value social relationships more than men." Also, those who were not currently in a romantic relationship tended to list this as their biggest regret.
Family - Sixteen percent of those surveyed said they had a family regret. Again, women cited this regret more than men.
Education - Those surveyed who had less education were the ones who answered that education was their biggest regret. Thirteen percent of participants listed education as their biggest regret.
Career - Twelve percent of the partakers in the survey said that they had regrets that were due to their career, and those who had regrets in the career category were more likely to be men – thirty-four percent of men and twenty-seven percent of women.
Finance- Ten percent had a financial regret.
Parenting - Nine percent had a regret having to do with parenting. Many respondents even said that they had wished they had decided to work less in order to spend more time with their children.
Health - Six percent of participants listed a regret having to do with health.
Other - Five and a half percent had something "other" to report as a regret.
Friends - Four percent had a regret having to do with friends.
Spirituality - Two percent regretted something having to do with religion or spirituality.

Read the full article here. 

It's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all. If you are looking for love in the East Riding then pop me an email. I'm sure I can help you.

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